..Rhinal allergy symptoms are caused by the immune system. When the body suddenly becomes allergic to a certain substance, it will cause symptoms such as swelling of the nasal membrane, itching, nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing and other symptoms. Without proper treatment, more serious complications may occur, such as sinusitis, sleep apnea, chronic pharyngitis, asthma, otitis media, etc. Therefore, general rhinal allergy cannot be ignored.
German Dr. Bi Min Qing
is a concentrated herbal preparation made with high-tech extraction technology. Garlic has been consumed as a health supplement by the ancients thousands of years ago and has a variety of active ingredients. , among which propylene sulfide has a significant effect on increasing immunity and preventing allergic reactions. Parsley helps remove toxins from the body and reduces the chance of contracting diseases.
Suitable for
●Relieve symptoms of nasal allergy (runny nose, sneezing, etc.)
●Enhance immunity ●Relieve cold and cold symptoms
●Relieve throat discomfort ●Relieve bad breath
/> Ingredients
Odorless Allicin Extract (equivalent to fresh garlic)
Parsley Extract (equivalent to fresh parsley)
.. Packaging
Capsules per bottle, weight per capsule
..How to take it
Take one pill each time, three times a day.
Put it in a cool and dry place and do not let children take it by themselves
German Doctor Bi Minqing